How to become a Home Inspector in Connecticut.
If you’re in pursuit of your Connecticut home inspection license, one part of your journey is to find a supervisor.
Home owners and home buyers rely on the home inspector to advise them on their biggest investment. Therefore, the home inspector must be knowledgeable in how to inspect a home’s major components and systems and what problems to look for. Being able to report on the condition of the home in a clear, concise manner is also important.
As a fully licensed inspector, I will help you become trained in that process.
Learn to perform physical inspections of newly built or previously owned homes and report on the condition of each of the mechanical systems, components and structure.

Report Writing
I will teach you how to write high-quality reports. This is critical to achieving success in home inspection. Reports help homeowners to buy, sell, or manage their home and make informed decisions.

Marketing is one of the most significant factors in the success of a home inspection business.
Your training will include how to market, and build a business.

Eligibility for a Home Inspector Intern Permit
1) Have successfully completed high school or its equivalent.
2) Have enrolled in and completed a board-approved training program.
3) Have an identified supervisor (That's me!)
4) Each application for a home inspector permit shall be accompanied by an application and permit fee, and a copy of the Applicant’s Certificate of Completion from a Board Approved Training Program in Home Inspection.
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Below are the state application and list of approved schools.