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Premier Home Inspection, LLC can identify foundation problems and offers direction to fulfill Crumbling Foundation documentation requirements.

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Upwards of 35,000 homes in a radius of Stafford Springs, Connecticut, are facing the potential for a failed concrete foundation due to the possible presence of a naturally occurring iron sulfide, pyrrhotite, in their concrete foundation. The concrete originated from the JJ Mottes Concrete Company in Stafford Springs, Connecticut, during the years 1983 - 2015. The mineral is found in a Willington, Connecticut, quarry that no longer supplies aggregate for residential foundations. 

Pyrrhotite causes the slow deterioration of the concrete when exposed to oxygen and water. While the presence of pyrrhotite indicates the potential for concrete deterioration, its existence alone does not necessarily cause it. 


The cracking starts small and may take more than 10 years to over 30 years to appear. Horizontal cracks or cracks that splinter out like a web are the most concerning. A rust color residue or white powder may appear. The sheetrock walls of a finished basement may need to be removed to examine the concrete. As the concrete deteriorates, it often becomes structurally unsound. 


The damage is irreversible. The repair is to fully replace the impacted foundation with a new foundation that does not contain pyrrhotite.


The State of Connecticut is providing financial assistance to homeowners who have a crumbling foundation, due to pyrrhotite, where the home, condo, Planned Unit Development, or home addition was built after January 1, 1983, and before December 31, 2015.

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